Nov 18, 2021
Small Business Saturday, November 27, is right around the corner. Started to encourage people to bring more holiday shopping to small businesses, Small Business Saturday has become a critical component to the holiday shopping season for many of our local retailers.
Oct 14, 2021
Until 1988 a woman could not access capital in
her own name for
commercial purposes. That year, legislation was enacted that
finally allowed
a woman to apply for a business loan without a male co-signor. A
lot has changed in 33 years, but access to capital remains one of
the most
difficult challenges facing women...
Sep 30, 2021
In the United States, approximately 11 MILLION WOMEN are either living with Alzheimer’s or caring for someone who has it.
Almost TWO-THIRDS of Americans living with Alzheimer’s are women.
More than THREE IN FIVE unpaid Alzheimer's caregivers are women.
To learn more about this devastating disease that...
Sep 16, 2021
Molly Hirsch abandoned her budding marketing career to move to Vermont and help run a relative’s home goods boutique, unknowingly heading down the path to a successful future in interior design.
Shivonne Mathison cared for her aging grandmother. That experience, combined with her background in social work, paved the...
Aug 19, 2021
The pandemic hasn’t been easy on any of us, but you could argue that it’s been tougher on restaurants than almost any other industry.
In this episode of Courageous Conversations, Fran sits down with Stephanie Webster, Editor-in-Chief and Founder of CTBites, an online community focused on the food scene...